About Me

Hi, I’m Graham, and welcome to Outdoor Oasis. I’m giving you a friendly wave from the wilderness. At 53, my passion for camping is as alive today as it was 40 years ago when I joined the scouts. It’s not just a hobby; it’s part of who I am.

I’m here to share my lifetime of experiences and adventures with you. Believe me, there’s nothing quite like the clarity you gain from a night out under the stars. My philosophy is simple: life is better outside, and camping is the golden thread that connects us with nature.

You’re going to find out about how I turned my zest for camping into the brand you see today, Outdoor Oasis. It’s a story of campfires, laughter with loved ones, and the quiet whispers of the forest. But more than that, it’s a journey of continuous discovery and commitment to making camping accessible and enjoyable for everyone.

Scouting taught me the ropes early on, but each trip into the wild is a new adventure. I’m always on the lookout—scouting, if you will—for the next great camping location and the gear that’ll make our experiences out there even more comfortable.

If you want to reconnect with the outdoors, de-stress, and learn a thing or two about camping, I’m here to help. Let’s gear up and get ready to explore the great outdoors with Outdoor Oasis, where every outing is an opportunity to create memories that last a lifetime.

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